Listening for His calling
What does it mean to be Companions of Jesus, or to be more precise, His friends? The foundation of this relationship is not simply an abstract effort or ideal. It is the nurturing of a real and intimate relationship with Him - Day by day you will discover that you can trust in Him because He knows exactly who you are. It is through this deep ‘listening and feeling with Christ’ that our vocation to be Companions of Jesus is revealed.
The Spiritual Exercises are our way of encountering the Risen One >
Wherever He takes us
Friends of the Lord, friends of the poor. As Christ carries His cross He makes us aware of every kind of thirst that afflicts humanity. And He leads us to recognise that deep within us we too have the same needs. Poverty, in all its forms, violates human dignity. Ignatius and his companions felt an urgent need to serve the least and most marginalised people who were ousted to the peripheries of society, just as they did those who lived mainstream society. To this day we seek to view the world through the eyes of the poor and marginalised, learning from them and working for them and with them.

As free as the wind
Our relationship with the Lord sets us free. Free to come out of our shells and encounter others. Free to give all that we’ve got, without holding anything back. Free even to make mistakes. Because love lives on, love perseveres. Even when we turn away from Him we repeatedly feel His forgiving embrace. This is the world in which we place ourselves at the service of others. It is a relationship which gives us a liberating sense of freedom, not to simply do what we ‘feel like’, but a freedom to love, indeed, as He loves us.
Read Ignatius’ story to find out how he became a man of huge interior freedom >
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