Our promotion of Faith and Social Justice
The promotion of faith and social justice is an integral part of our mission. Every human person is the focus of our attention, be this an individual or an entire nation. We seek to intervene in situations where fundamental human rights are violated, not recognised or disrespected in any way. Immigrants, political refugees, asylum seekers, homeless persons, addicts, prisoners: we seek to give them a voice so that they will not continue to feel excluded or rejected by society. Our key objective? Respect for the dignity of every person, at every level.
Reconciliation with God – Spirituality
We live in a world of diverse religions and cultures. The erosion of traditional religious values and the loss of identity of so many different cultures have given rise to many instances of religious fundamentalism. Increasingly, ‘faith’ in God is being used by some as an excuse to divide communities, create polarities and tensions that tear the fabric of our society apart. In such cases, our calling is to be agents of reconciliation, particularly among young persons - to untangle the distorted images of God and to create the right conditions where genuine encounters between God and man can take place.

Centre for Ignatian Spirituality
Promoting the spiritual legacy of St Ignatius through an extensive programme of activities in both English and Maltese.

Mount St Joseph Retreat House
Leave the pace of modern life, unwind, nourish your soul and enjoy moments of blissful solitude, silence and prayer.

Manresa Retreat House
Since 1810, a peaceful, beautifully built retreat house in Gozo, with views of both the Mediterranean sea and the countryside.
Living Stones / Pietre Vive
An international group of young people who announce Christ and the beauty of faith through architecture and religious art.

Reconciliation among us – Social Justice
Our commitment towards social justice leads us to view the world through the eyes of the poor and marginalised, learning from them and working for them and with them. Our mission is to build bridges between the rich and the poor, advocating for opportunities for contact and support between those who have political power and those who find it hard to voice their needs. In this way we work at inviting all parties to reflect together about situations which effect them all.
Jesuit Refugee Service
We accompany, serve and defend the rights of asylum seekers and forcibly displaced persons who arrive in Malta.
Paulo Freire Institute
We empower and promote self-development, self-confidence and the talents of each individual, especially the vulnerable in society.
Education and Youth Formation
We are committed to transmit these values and vision to the future generations. The Jesuits have, since their beginning, been involved in formal and non-formal education and formation of the younger generations. We aim at a holistic approach to formation, touching on all aspects of what makes us human – academic, relational, social and spiritual.

St Aloysius’ College
The aim of the College is the formation of Christian "men and women for others", inspired by Christ’s teachings and a faith that promotes evangelical justice.

Malta University Chaplaincy
We provide spiritual support and pastoral care for staff and students of all faiths and none, voluntary work opportunities and meaningful spiritual and formative activities.

Christian Life Community
The Christian Life Community is an international movement of lay men and women, young and adult, who desire to live more closely with Jesus Christ and participate in His mission.
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